A Special Word to Clients and Prospective Clients
I am, as you can see from my profile, an attorney specializing in bankruptcy and creditors’ rights, corporate restructuring, commercial litigation, immigration law, and criminal representation. My practice is geared towards problem solving. In the commercial side of my practice, I can help your business solve its problems efficiently, economically, and with a practical understanding of your needs. I invite you to e-mail me or contact me by phone in connection with any legal needs that you have. Consider the following:
What can my colleagues and I do to solve YOUR problem?
Our bankruptcy and creditors’ rights practice has several components:
--In representing distressed enterprises, we partner strategically with ailing, closely-held or family-owned businesses to save their companies, by keeping the ‘wolves from the door’ while working to recapture the value that made the companies succeed in the first place.
--In representing creditors, we help develop strategies to assist creditors caught in the bankruptcy/restructuring maze to recover on their claims quickly and to minimize their problem receivable.
--In representing Landlords, we help real estate owner/developers minimize, or even eliminate the risk of getting stuck in protracted tenant bankruptcy cases, in which the owner/developer frequently has to deal with uncertainty, while ultimately realizing little or none of the leasehold value.
--We help develop strategies for buyers of distressed assets to maximize the realization of value while defraying legal and due diligence expense through the vehicles of ‘break-up’ and ‘topping’ fees.
As noted above, we also specialize in all types of commercial litigation, with a particular emphasis on real estate and contractual disputes.
We can help solve immigration difficulties, and we know how to navigate the challenging and ever-shifting legal problems facing aliens no matter what their immigration status.
Our criminal practice is geared to both white collar work, as well as more convention State criminal charges which our clients face, from time tim time.
If any of these solutions sound right for your particular issue, please feel free to contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation. Also, feel free to request your absolutely free subscriptions to the two e-books I have published, one crafted especially for the creditor and landlord who need to understand their rights under the new bankruptcy laws and the other directed at owners/managers of closely-held family businesses in financial distress. Feel free, at the same time, to ask to be placed on our list for monthly updates and bulletins from our bankruptcy and creditors’ rights practice. There is no obligation, of course, and you can always “opt out” at any time. All you need to do is leave your name and contact information with us, and we will take care of the rest.
Also, let us know whether your organization might be benefited by receiving an in-person presentation or seminar by attorneys from our creditors' rights and bankruptcy department at our firm to help you understand these changes, and what they might mean to your business. You simply cannot afford to rely on your understanding of the bankruptcy laws as they existed before October 17, 2005. The changes are, quite simply, too profound and wide-ranging. Please do not hesitate to bookmark this site, and check back regularly for recent developments and reports which will, I expect, be of value to you in your business. I look forward to hearing from you.